
2025 ongoing until 2027

Layers & Narratives

touring exhibitions 40 years Quilt Art

 started already in The Netherlands and will be shown
in the prestigious German Textilmuseum Krefeld (7. 9. – 28. 12. 2025)
it will also travel to Heidelberg (Textile Collection Max Berk 1.2. – 28. 5. 2026)
and to Fuga Gallery in Hungary aso in 2026 until it finally
arrives in the Uk at the Midlands Arts Centre Birmingham in 2027 

QuiltArt 1985 – 2025
We are part of an ever changing textile history: The old techniques of patchwork and quilting are staying alive, but next to this mainstream of lovely quilts something new startet, mainly in the US.

It was about connecting traditions with individual ideas and methods. Textile materials – soft and strong – can express so much and in many ways.

The British Quilters’ Guild played an important role in these changing times back in the Eighties. The mostly traditional Guild encouraged members to send in applications to start a new group called QuiltArt.They got 213 applications and decided to invite 8 women to come for an interview in London, in July 15, 1985.

Each of us got accepted and we started QuiltArt with excitement, good trust and full of energy.

From the beginning we were successful mostly thanks to Pauline Burbidge. She offered her experiences and her own network to provide our first substantial exhibition in Nottingham Castle Museum in 1988. Mary Fogg was another very influential personality. She was a perfect diplomat, a dedicated artist and most importantly a lovely person.

Even after 40 years this excitement is still alive – right now we are 16 members of 7 nationalities. We work hard to keep our work visible,  organize exhibitions regularly and produce a book for each of our major museum-tours.

We need our work and enjoy to celebrate 40 years.

Cologne 2025
Inge Hueber 



2019 ongoing until 2023

Material Evidence and Traces

touring exhibitions Quilt Art

so far London/Heidelberg/Budapest/The Netherlands and UK



The Sea, 2018 (170 x 192 cm)

Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln

August 31, 2019 – October 13, 2019

Quilt Art/Dialogues

Kirkcudbright Galleries



Wandlung – Retrospektive – Perspektive

November, 19 2017 – February, 18 2018

Textilsammlung Max Berk

Heidelberg-Ziegelhausen, Germany

Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays

Quilt Art

Guildford House, Guildford UK

Dialogues/Quilt Art

International Quilt Study Center & Museum

Lincoln Nebraska, USA


6. European Quilt Triennial


Seascape, 2015 (130 x 200 cm)

January, 24 – March, 28 2016

Kreismuseum Zons

Schloßstr. 1

D-41541 Dormagen

April, 13 – June, 26 2016

Textilmuseum St. Gallen


CH-9000 St. Gallen

August, 11 – 14 2016

Festival of Quilts

In Full Swing, 2006

In Full Swing, 2006

UK Birmingham NEC


Acquisition of „IN FULL SWING“

in the permanent collection of:

International Quilt Study Center

Lincoln, Nebraska/USA

6. Europäische Quilt-Triennale

Textilsammlung Max Berk

Heidelberg-Ziegelhausen, Germany

September, 13 2015 – January, 10 2016

„Seascape“, 2015

130 x 200 cm


Colourscape I

Colourscape I

August, 22 – October, 11 2015 

„Doppelsicht“, 2015 

Wandteppich aus selbstgefärbter Baumwolle

143 x 190 cm

Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln

An der Rechtsschule

50667 Köln

Quilt National, USA

March 23, 2015

(again included in this prestigious international show –

also in 1987, 1989, 1993, 1999, 2003 and 2009) 

Colourscape I

>> see video of the Artist Gallery talk with Inge here

>> Quilt National Artists

Colourscape I, detail

Colourscape I, detail


European Patchwork Meeting

August, 18 – 21

EPM 20th Anniversary

invited artist

Ste.-Marie-aux-Mines, Alsace/France


Farbenklang – Colour-Melodies

September, 20 – October, 5 2014

Solo-Exhibition of 20 of my quilts

gallery art textil sent

Beatrice Lanter

Chasa Triazza

Stron 277

CH-7554 Sent, Engadin/Switzerland


Colourscape I, Work in Progress


+41 79 696 54 01

you are cordially invited for the opening September 20 at 2pm 


International Festival of Quilts Moscow, Russia

Symposium (November 19 – 21, 2013)

Invitation to lecture about my work  

Exhibition of nearly 100 quilts of my international group Quilt Art at

Tsaritsyno Museum Moscow (November 19, 2013 – February 16, 2014)

Extension of “FarbenKlang”

Retrospektive Inge Hueber 1980 – 2013

Retrospektive_inge_titel_thuntil October 13, 2013

extra guided tours by Inge Hueber/Führung:

August 25 – 16:00

October 13 – 16:00


Retrospektive Inge Hueber 1980 – 2013

March, 3 – May, 26 2013

Kurpfälzisches Museum Heidelberg

Textil Sammlung Max Berk


Press release (in English)

FarbenKlang ­– Retrospective Inge Hueber 1980-2013

Inge Hueber lives and works in Cologne, and she is a pioneer of the contemporary German and international quilt scene. In 1984 she took part in the 1st Quilt Biennial at the Max Berk Textile Museum, and since then she has exhibited and been a member of the jury at numerous other German Quilt Biennials and Euro- pean Quilt Triennials. In the USA, the heartland of the quilt movement, she exhibited her quilt Reflected Image/Spiegelbild at the Quilt National back in 1987. 

This self-taught quilt artist combines precision craftsmanship with emotional colour tones; she finds her own rhythms and perceives textile structures. From the very beginning she has worked exclusively with cotton fabrics that she dyes herself, making her colour range unmistakeable. In 1991 she was given the state award of North-Rhine Westphalia for one of her first works with visible seams and raw edges. She resumed this technique in 2008 and developed her seascape series, paying homage to the small town of Broadstairs on the English Channel, which has been her second home since 1978. She was awarded the Michael James Award for one of these works (Broadstairs/Sunset) in Tokyo in 2010.Inge Hueber has close connections with the quilt scene in England, particularly because of the Quilt Art group, which she founded in 1985 together with seven English quilt artists. The exhibition FarbenKlang (Colour Tones) shows more than 30 works and is a cross-section of all series that have been produced in a period spanning more than three decades. Postcards (10 different motifs) have been made for the exhibition.

Press release (in German)

FarbenKlang ­– Retrospektive Inge Hueber 1980-2013

Inge Hueber lebt und arbeitet in Köln und ist eine Pionierin der deutschen und internationalen zeitgenössischen Quilt-Szene. 1984 war sie Teilnehmerin der 1. Quilt-Biennale des Textilmuseums Max Berk und hat in der Folge bei zahlreichen weiteren deutschen Quilt-Biennalen und Europäischen Quilt-Triennalen ausgestellt. In den USA, der Hochburg der Quilt-Bewegung, war sie bereits 1987 mit ihrem Quilt “Reflected Image/Spiegelbild” bei Quilt National vertreten.

Die Autodidaktin verbindet präzises Handwerk mit emotionalen Farbklängen, sie findet eigene Rhythmen und erspürt textile Strukturen. Von Anfang an verarbeitet sie ausschließlich ihre selbstgefärbten Baumwollstoffe, die ihre Farbpalette unverwechselbar machen. Im Jahre 1991 erhielt sie den Staatspreis des Landes NRW für eine ihrer ersten Arbeiten mit sichtbaren Nähten und offenen Säumen. 2008 hat sie diese Technik wiederaufgenommen und ihre “seascape” Serie entwickelt – eine Hommage an den kleinen Ort Broadstairs an der englischen Kanalküste, ihr zweiter Wohnsitz seit 1978. Inge Hueber ist eng verbunden mit der englischen Quilt-Szene, vor allem durch die Gruppe Quilt Art, die sie 1985 zusammen mit sieben englischen Quiltern gründete.

Die Ausstellung FarbenKlang zeigt mehr als 30 Arbeiten und ist ein Querschnitt aller Serien, die in mehr als drei Jahrzehnten entstanden sind. Zur Ausstellung erscheinen Postkarten – 10 verschiedene Motive.


opening of “VOICES” 

by the international group of Quilt Art

January 13, 2012 (until February 26, 2012/with catalogue)

Riverside Mill Bovey Tracey Devon, UK

please check other venues on the website 


opening of 5th European Quilt Triennial 

September 9, 2012

Heidelberg, Germany

on tour in Germany, Switzerland and 

the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham August, 2013

jury-member and invitational


Retrospective: “Colours Singing” 

18th European Patchwork Meeting 

September 13 – 16, 2012 

Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines, Alsace France 

(invitation to exhibit 15 of my big quilts of the last 30 years) 

sponsored by Pfaff



“A Slice of Quilt Art” 

August 19 – 22, 2010

Festival of Quilts Birmingham, UK both exhibitions will tour the UK and worldwide

4. European Quilt Triennial (jury member and invitational)

The Silver Anniversary of the group Quilt Art, launching 2 different exhibitions to celebrate:

“Quilt Art at 25”

July 17, 2010 

Bankfields Museum, Halifax, UK

Lecture – “Making Quilts and Journeys”

July 13, 2010

Vancouver Island, Canada


June 20 – September 19, 2010 

Neuchâtel Musée d´art et d´histoire Switzerland (invitational)


Broadstairs/Sunset, 2009 (173 x 197 cm)

The 10th Quilt Nihon Exhibition

Michael James Award 2010

February 6 – 11, 2010

Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan

then touring in Japan and worldwide


Quilt National, USA (again included in this prestigious international show – also in 1987, 1989, 1993, 1999, 2003 and 2015)

4. European Quilt Triennial

jury-member and invited

this Triennial is seen at the Festival of Quilts in 2010 in Birmingham, UK




solo show: “In Pursuit of Happiness”

Festival of Quilts, Birmingham, UK

connected with booklaunch: “Masters: Art Quilts”

(Major Works by Leading Artists)

a selection of 40 international quiltmakers 

Lark Books USA ISBN 1600591078, 416 pages


3. European Quilt Triennial

jury-member and invited

invited to Festival of Quilts 2008

Birmingham, UK

Staatspreisträger Retrospektive 1963-2005 Zons, Germany


20 years of Quilt Art 1985 – 2005

start of the three-year-tour to celebrate the 20. anniversary of this group: UK, France, The Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Canada

Catalogue/book with introduction of Robert Shaw, USA


European Art Quilts III

The Netherlands and touring

Quilts 2004, Chemnitz, Germany


“II European Quilt Triennale”, Heidelberg (September 2003) – touring until 2004

“Quilt National”, USA – touring until 2005

lecturing at the Festival of Quilts, Birmingham, August 23, 2003


“Six Continents of Quilts”, New York City Museum of Arts and Design (formerly American Crafts Museum) – touring until 2006

“Making Journeys”, Glasgow – touring until January 2004 (together with Anne Keith and Veronica Tongeri)


Solo-exhibition in Leuven, Belgium

2001 – “European Art Quilts”, The Netherlands

1999 – “All Squares”, Solo Show in Liverpool

1998 – Goethe Institute Kyoto, Japan (together with Yoshiko Jinzenji)

1996 – European Commission, Solo Show in Brussels

1992 – “Lichtblicke”, Solo Show in Cologne, Galery Smend

1991 – Fiberarts International, Pittsburgh/USA

6 times Quilt Biennale Heidelberg/Germany

7 times Quilt National USA (1987, 1989, 1993, 1999, 2003, 2009, 2015)

many more exhibitions around the world